Meditation Mondays: Totally Recharge
In those moments when things aren't so shiny or we're hurting or frustrated, how do we cope or simply deal with what's put in fr

Meditation Mondays: Distractions
There will always be things going on and unexpectedly popping up around us. There will be days when it's so much easier than others to s

Meditation Mondays: Setbacks
Sometimes things don't work out the way we thought they would or wanted them to, and we all make mistakes. It's important to remembe

Meditation Mondays: Finding Humor
When we widen our perspectives and have the capacity to find some kind of enjoyment, hilarity, and amusement in everyday life (and in oursel

Meditation Mondays: Getting What We Want
There's a lot going on in the world right now, not to mention in our own lives that’s requiring us to step into our individual strength

Meditation Mondays: Our Word
When we think about how the words of others affect us, we must also think even more deeply about how our words and the energy behind them af

Meditation Mondays: Right Now
When we feel the energy of love and appreciation we make ourselves energetically receptive for more good to come our way with effortlessness

Meditation Mondays: Deep Sleep
Managing our lives, taking care of ourselves and the people around us, eating well, creating, focusing, executing, running a business, doing

Meditation Mondays: Immediate Change
It doesn't matter if you meditate for 1 minute a day or 60 minutes, when you sit down for your daily practice, you have to go in with th

Meditation Mondays: A Moment of Panic
Life is tricky. We will never stop facing challenges in our lives, relationships, businesses, health, etc. Having a daily practice of some